Hello everyone! I give up on making excuses on why I can't seem to post regularly on this blog...I could mention that my husband went out of town for a week returning the day before Halloween and that we hosted friends and family on Halloween, oh and I can't forget about Avery's tonsilectomy surgery last Monday, but the reality is that everyone has busy lives so I won't bore you with the details!!! I think we could all benefit from a few more hours in the day....or night {wink}!! So anyway, I hope everyone had a fun, safe Halloween. We had our family and some friends over and did some trick or treating in the neighborhood. Since we only have about 8 homes in the subdivision so far, we went up to a local church who was having a trunk-or-treat....Totally new concept to me!!! So much fun!
Here is a picture of my kids:

And I can't resist posting a picture of my brother's family of vampires. My SIL, Jen, is so creative and gets the whole family involved in dressing up....isn't this awesome!!!

I'll be back with a second post...I discovered another challenge site!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
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